Nutrition & Weight Management
Missing something sweet on LCHF?
It is often the reason people stray off a Keto diet: dessert or alcohol. Both are a huge source of carbs and add to belly
Recover From food
Eat less food and you’ll get more done. —Robin Sharma Your body and mind need to recover from food. If not daily, you might want
Why can’t I lose weight?
Part 1 Eating less and exercising more often gives no results and leave many people feeling frustrated, and hopeless. Their last resort is commonly some
Is Being Vegan Healthier?
A lot of people have been misled into believing that vegan or vegetarian diets are optimal for their health and mental performance, while in reality
Can You Do More With Less
I like to go up mountains on the weekends. Behind me is the peak I submitted on Sunday. I love that I can do this
Male Fertility and A Paleo Diet
When it comes to the ability to conceive, the fertility of the the male partner can account for up to 50% of the challenges experienced.
Holiday Weight Gain/ Personalized Glycemic Response
It has been said for a long time that people gain up to 5lb over the holidays and never lose it. Some recent publications say
Heart Disease: Beyond Cholesterol
Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) is the biggest killer in North America. Despite quitting smoking campaigns, public education on heart disease, and targeted medical therapies, ASCVD