Live Younger Skin Science

We are specialists in helping you look younger, naturally in Calgary, Alberta. Our Integrative approach provides the best in Medical Aesthetics. Key factors accelerate aging. Without looking after this, you will continue to need frequent treatments to keep looking younger than you are. Hormones, stress, nutrient deficiencies and inflammation are some of the things that are aging you faster from the inside. Our home care prescriptions, advanced testing and state of the art skin analysis create a customized approach to looking younger and completely natural.

Female patient getting rf lifting procedure in a beauty saloon

Live Younger Laser Services

What Happened to My Face?

The most common statement we hear is, “What happened to my face?”

” I woke up one morning… like it was almost overnight !!!!! ” The changes in your skin that make you look older occur gradually. You don’t notice it until that one day, you just see it all! Your jawline has disappeared, your skin is thin and saggy; your eyelids droop. Wrinkles and crinkles and folds make you look not just old, but tired and even sick.

No-one likes to look old and tired. The most common statement we hear is, “What happened to my face? I woke up one morning… like it was almost overnight !!!!!”The biological changes of your skin that are associated with aging occur gradually. Certain factors can accelerate aging and based Functional and Regenerative medicine. We can help you change your look.

The key to looking younger, without looking fake or plastic; comes from a specific approach to restoring skin health, skin youth and skin vitality. Before even Botox or Filler, you need to have a beautiful canvas to begin with. Most patients are delighted with simply getting back glowing, dewy soft skin with a clear complexion. No more blemishes. No more large pores. No more spots and blotches. Once skin is firmer, tighter and brighter with treatments chosen for your age, your skin condition, your hormones and other factors that age your skin: then you get to choose what you want next. We never want you to spend more than you need to, to look fabulous.

Better Aesthetics
What Can You Expect at Live Younger?

We host regular events and teaching for our clients to be able to fully understand aging: call us to reserve your seat at one of our events. Learn how through science, we reverse skin aging to look younger and stay that way. We are one of the few clinics that have Forever Young technology. 

About Your Skin

Your skin is your largest organ. It protects you from the environment, dehydration, and regulates your temperature.

Skin changes reflect your overall internal aging. What happens on the inside affects what you see on the outside. This is why at Live Younger we are dedicated to everything to understand in everything that affects your internal aging so that you create younger looking skin at a cellular level.

The Epidermis

Is the outer layer of your skin. It consists of 5 ‘micro layers’ of which Stratum Corneum is topmost and what you see. It is a layer of dead skin cells.

Your skin cells regenerate every 27 days.

‘Desquamation’ is the term used to describe the dead cells falling away as new cells are formed beneath. The brightness of your skin is affected by how thick the Stratum Corneum is.

As you age, your skin cells regenerate slower.

Desquamation slows down too and your skin appears dull as the Stratum Corneum takes longer to replace.

The bottom layer of your epidermis is called the Stratum Basalis. This is where active cellular regeneration occurs. The new cells move upwards towards your Stratum Corneum, slowly ‘dying’ until the Stratum Corneum is formed to protect you. Within the Stratum Basalis lie your melanocytes which give your skin pigment.


The Dermis

Science of Laser And Light Can Reverse The Aging at a Cellular Level: The ‘Stanford Study’.

Research confirms that it is possible to restore your skin back to younger.

What is more exciting is that the study went on to prove that the changes are modulated through changing the genetics within the skin cells. “…they became more similar to their expression level in youthful skin. …BBL treatment can restore gene expression pattern of photoaged and intrinsically aged human skin to resemble young skin.”

Rejuvenation of Gene Expression Pattern of Aged Human Skin by Broadband Light Treatment: A Pilot Study

Anne Lynn S. Chang1, Patrick H. Bitter Jr2, Kun Qu1, Meihong Lin1, Nicole A. Rapicavoli1,3 and Howard Y. Chang1,3

Dr. Patrick H. Bitter Jr. MD has created the Forever Young protocols. We are pleased to announce our team has spent time in advanced training sessions with Dr. Patrick H. Bitter MD.

Figure 1. Clinical and histologic effects of broadband light (BBL) treatment.
Aesthetics leg-skin

In the diagram above, it is the layer of purple cells, which are attached to a basement membrane.

What This Means To You

A simple office treatment without needles or downtime can restore your skin back to youth. Keep in mind that aging is occurring at different levels of your dermis and epidermis.

No gimmick. No empty promises: this is backed by science.

Different from common ‘laser’ and ‘IPL’, this particular treatment gives you access to the results you see in stars like JLo and Halle Berry who appear to have not aged at all, yet looked completely natural.

Every person is unique. We know that as your skin ages, your collagen changes the amount of hyaluronic acid that keeps your skin cells plump changes and diminishes. Beyond that, your underlying bone structure changes. This affects aging in a completely different way and makes it more difficult to restore you, to look exactly like your younger self. This is why functional medicine and attention to the internal factors that accelerate aging is what we add to our programs for you. We create customized programs that look at you and your personal aging process and all of the things affecting your aging. This might include attention to form own balance, vitamins and nutrients, diet, stress management, and many other factors that aren’t typically include in a skin program. We know that what happens on the inside is reflected on your outside on your external appearance.

older and younger version of a short haired woman

It gets BETTER

You don’t have to have the financial resources of a movie star!

Forever Young BBL treatments range from $195 to $495. Most patients are shocked at how affordable gene technology is!

You can see results after your first treatment.

We are so sure of the results you will get that we offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on all of our Cosmetic treatments. How? Because our Clinic has a unique approach to Inner Health for Outer Beauty. Using medical science to look after the inner factors that influence aging like hormone balance, toxins, stress and diet; we provide you with all the tools to protect your results and need fewer maintenance treatments over the long term. This is why we have programs and we can guarantee you results. Using our Visia Skin Analysis, we can track your progress and prove without a doubt the results you have.

To Activate your guarantee you must follow the Clinic process

VISIA Skin Analysis and Pictures taken on your first visit.

Come for your follow up appointment as you’ll need repeat pictures & Skin Analysis.

Complete your Blood Work as directed by our Skin Specialists and Doctor.

Have your visit with our Doctor to discuss your Blood work results.

Follow the home care Prescription given to you by our Skin Specialists and/or Doctor.

Attend the following workshops: First Steps to Wellness & Skin Health.

Discover more confidence, and your YOUNGER YOU with customized solutions to restore your skin back to younger.

Live Younger Articles On Health

All those years of writing prescriptions, I realized my patients weren’t really getting BETTER. A drug for this and a drug for that…the same dose for everyone, even though every person is a unique individual. Then I discovered a Better way!