Vegan Lifestyle and Looking Young

It’s mid October! Oh my gosh, where does time go?

I feel like I have blinked and here we are.

It sure has been a busy time: our clinic has been the busiest we have ever been over the summer (Yay!!! Thank you all for your trust and loyalty).

I got back from my family visit to South Africa in time for Thanksgiving: we did it VEGAN!!! So many of you asked so I will share now – I wanted privacy during my time with my family: my uncle passed away suddenly and I went for a bit of ‘me time’ and to support and be with my family there.

Included in this post:

  • about being vegan
  • add on travel hack list items
  • an invitation : very special event never done before

About being vegan:

The ONLY time I support patients choosing to be vegan is for ethical or philosophical beliefs.

I do not support patients choosing to be vegan for better health. Period.

Sure, everyone feels better when they go vegan. You are getting lots of nutrient dense foods and you are forced to pay more attention to meal planning, focusing on getting the right amount of protein, etc.

Over the years, stores of certain vitamins and nutrients diminish. Carb intake is always HIGH since vegan proteins come attached to carbs.

Legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas) have a significant carb count.

Tofu: well, that is soy…

Quinoa is almost always quoted as a protein source, yet it is a carb.

If you have INSULIN RESISTANCE, carbs keep the belly fat on.

How do you figure out a vegan low carb, high protein diet without living on vegan protein powder (most have sugars and carbs)?

This is where testing your microbiome, your genome (your genetics) and your hormones help us find the diet that is best for YOU. And it is NOT the same as what is best for someone else, even your twin or family member.

And it is why we have Michal on our team. As a Functional Nutrition Coach, she understands genes, hormones, gut bacteria, all about leaky gut and how to help you figure out what to eat.

Click here to book a visit with Michal even if you are not a client at the clinic. get your belly flat, boost your energy and feel better than ever THROUGH FOOD.

In our clinic over the last 13+ years, I have not treated a single ‘healthy’ vegan.

Their nutrient depletions are higher than others, they are much harder to treat for weight loss and fatigue; and overall, a much more difficult (though not impossible) treatment regimen with more nutrient supplements required than others.

I’m aware of the China Study, the papers and books supporting veganism: and I will get Michal to write an article on this for us to give you the real facts.

A vegan diet is not what we recommend as optimal in Functional Medicine.

I’ve seen Michal work with a patient on a ‘Carnivore diet’, others on the ketogenic diet; work with our Vegan patients to increase their wellbeing and get more from the food choices they have by changing ratios and adding in some new things…

For me, the travel hacks Michal recommended were:

  1. Fat first: I carried ‘fat bombs’ and nuts
  2. Protein next: My metabolic optimizer served that purpose easily. A full serving of easily absorbed amino acids, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant herbs, and all the fat burning ingredients that also stave hunger for hours and hours. Remember it takes away cravings too? ZERO temptation to eat chocolate or the few high sugar things offered on an airplane I can eat. Coming soon are single serving pouches. In the meantime, there’s still no excuse to pack it with you for all the benefits it has! Order here Metabolic Optimizer – make sure to have some before you step out to any party or event. Metabolic Optimizer
  3. IF+ Pink salt: I carried pink salt to add to my water, and did ‘intermittent fasting’ as determined for my metabolism.


I’ve noticed that as a family, we do not even come close to our daily intake of vegetables.

There’s an wonderful restaurant in Edmonton called Noorish: it is my absolute favourite place to eat when we are there. And they have amazing vegan desserts (for these I cold go Vegan bahahaa).

When I grew up, there was a day a week we ate only vegetables. At that time, I resorted to potato and ketchup sandwiches (yes, it’s a thing!!! really delicious when you pile on the butter : eeek), or macaroni. I didn’t like veggies and I tried to make it through each ‘vegetarian day’ NOT EATING VEGETABLES!.

2 comments on this:

A lot of vegetarians eat BADLY without knowing it. Mac and cheese, vegan burgers, pasta and rice heavy dishes. CARBS ARE YOUR FLAT BELLY ENEMY.

Vegetables grow in nature. They are not made in a factory. Even if it contains vegetables, there isn’t much nutrient or health value left in it.

Even though I add vegetables into the dishes I cook, and sides of veggies, we still aren’t getting half of what we should in a day.

So I thought we would do a vegan day at home. Noting that we are a low carb, Paleo family … it gets complicated, doesn’t it?

AARRGGGHH what do I eat???

This is where Michal came in. Her advice is always invaluable. I’ve achieved something called Metabolic Flexibility and can consume more carbs than before, without growing my belly fat.

I have had SO many compliments from people about how healthy and young I look. I met someone this weekend who has known me for 7 years: she said I look younger and healthier and fitter than ever.

My biggest obstacle I am overcoming (successfully) are those last 10 pounds. For the last 8 years, I’ve carried more belly fat than I should to prevent diabetes.

This lady is a Director in a very large Medical Cosmetic company. She asked me what I am doing (and I am doing LESS cosmetic procedures on myself than ever over the last couple years). “Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it,” she said. We laughed because many of the women on her team are in their 40’s and beyond; all struggling with extra weight and they all look good though because they do their treatments.

Another doctor who practices aesthetic medicine could not believe how natural and young I look and the quality of my skin. He wanted me to share my trade secrets on how I get this result. Of course I declined!!!

BUT… I’ll share it with YOU!!!

The thing is, this is a journey. And my looking younger and LIVING younger has more to do with my INSIDE approach to health and beauty than my outside.

And now I have a totally NEW protocol to share with you so you too, can get rid of 10 pounds of pure fat, have younger-glowing skin; and not need a complicated cosmetic treatment plan.

October 23rd at 6pm I will give you a step by step guide on how to look younger, feel and perform better than ever (I hike up tall mountains now and run when I couldn’t do this in my 20’s)

Time: 6-8pm

Theme: LOOK and FEEL younger than ever.

Venue: Better

#518, 922 5th ave SW, Calgary.

Register Now: I’m keeping it very small. My Dad is cooking for us to share with you what I eat, and you get the recipes too.